Deadline for applications:
December 8, 2008
Department of Visual ArtsUniversity of Ottawa1
00 Laurier Avenue EastOttawa,
Ontario K1N 6N5
The Department of Visual Arts of the University of Ottawa announces the opening of a full-time, tenure-track position in Painting at the rank of Assistant Professor. The Department offers Master of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Arts with Major in Visual Arts, programs that are committed to both studio practice and theory, as well as programs in the History and Theory of Art.The candidate should be actively engaged in a painting practice and demonstrate a clear understanding of the significant role of painting within the field of contemporary visual art. The ability to also teach drawing is an asset. Teaching ability is required at all levels of the undergraduate and graduate programs.Qualifications• M.F.A. or equivalent• Extensive commitment to painting practice and an active and recognized exhibition record• Strong knowledge of contemporary art issues and theory • Ability to engage in curriculum development and administrative tasks• Ability to function in a bilingual setting • Teaching experience at post-secondary levelThe salary is determined according to the collective agreement of the University of Ottawa. This position is subject to budgetary approval. Start date: July 1, 2009Deadline for applications: December 8, 2008All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. Equity is a University policy;
Aboriginal peoples, members of visible minorities and person with disabilities are encouraged to apply. To apply, please submit detailed curriculum vitae, visual documentation of art production (e.g. 20 slides, a CD-ROM, up to 15 minutes of video clips or other relevant materials, including published works), selected reviews or articles relating to your work, a teaching dossier with course outlines and student evaluations, and the names and contact information of three referees, whose reference letters should be sen
t directly to the Chair of the Department:Penny Cousineau-Levine, Chair Department of Visual Arts University of Ottawa 100 Laurier Avenue EastOttawa, Ontario K1N 6N5For more information, please contact us by e-mail (finearts@uottawa.ca)
by Internet ( www.visualarts.uottawa.ca)
or by phone at (613) 562-5868.